IMTA Access for the 2024–2025 Biennium 
The 2024–2025 biennium (school years 2023–2024 and 2024–2025) instructional materials and technology allotment allocations for each local education agency (LEA) are now available and expected to be populated in EMAT by mid-July 2023.

Although the amounts will appear soon in EMAT, the actual funds will not be available until after September 1, 2023. Until that time, LEAs may use unexpended funds (carry-over funds) for allotment expenditures, including newly adopted instructional materials, continuing contracts, technological equipment, and technology services. As stated in Texas Education Code, §31.0215, if carry-over funds are not available, LEAs may order materials through requisitions for up to 80% of their 2024-2025 allotment funds through the delayed-payment option. Publishers that have agreed to receive delayed payments are identified in EMAT. LEAs may also use up to 80% of their 2024–2025 allotment funds for pre-approved disbursement requests. Pre-approved requests will be paid after September 1, 2023, as revenue becomes available and after the delayed-payment publishers have been paid.  


 Resources from NTTCA Meeting - 2/9/2024


  Proclamation 2024

 The following pricing documents were created as a tool ONLY to help districts as they       build their possible orders. Don't hesitate to contact your representatives before   ordering; they may bundle materials to get you the best pricing. The vendors have   approved the pricing sheets to post on the NTTCA website.

  SAVVAS Pricing
  McGraw-Hill Pricing

  District Calendar
  Lost and Paid Sheet blank
  Out of Adoption Process
  Workbook Worktext Order Process